MORNING COFFEE LECTURE 65 (A daily devotional to motivate your day)

MORNING COFFEE LECTURE 65 (A daily devotional to motivate your day)

Beloveth; Realize that every disappointment or storm in your life are allowed by God for your greater good. Yes, the storms will produce showers of blessings. Life’s disappointments are opportunities of hidden appointments. Don’t forget that you are like a tea bag – not useful till you have been through some hot battles. No obstacle ever leaves you the way it met you. Choose to allow God bring out the best out of every fire. Paralyze murmuring! Kill self pity and resurrect self-confidence because what is about to happen in your life and ministry will surprise your imagination and surprise every ear around you. Always watch for big problems: they disguise big opportunities. Finally, never forget this: Adversity is the manure for miracles! Yesterday’s failure can become today’s fortune! Arrest the tears! Good morning!

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