MORNING COFFEE LECTURE 301(A daily devotional to motivate your day)

MORNING COFFEE LECTURE 301(A daily devotional to motivate your day)

Beloveth; As you journey in this new year 2022, it’s time for you to begin to see yourself through the eyes of God’s word. If God says something about you, then you need to begin to see yourself in that light! The Word of God says that are blessed and you can have all your needs supplied abundantly. Stop seeing yourself in lack and going through financial difficulties. Start seeing yourself as blessed and enriched with every good thing. Stop seeing yourself as a borrower! See yourself as a lender! If you’ve been battling relationship issues, it’s time to stop seeing yourself as resentful and treating people in an unfriendly manner! Start seeing yourself filled with love and joy! Start seeing yourself treat people with love, speaking words of love and forgiveness to them! Start seeing yourself exercising patience with people! Amen! Good morning!

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