MORNING COFFEE LECTURE 314(A daily devotional to motivate your day)

MORNING COFFEE LECTURE 314(A daily devotional to motivate your day)

Beloveth; There are two groups of people living in the world today: people with a victory mentality and people with a victim mentality. People with a victory mentality carry themselves with a breath of victory everywhere they go. They expect the best, prepare for the best and demand for the best. They never settle for less. They always look at the positive side of circumstances. They can never be weighed down by the circumstances surrounding them. They always find a way around every challenge. They never give up when things go tough! They are winners at heart and as such, they expect to win always! Winning a battle is not a function of what you arm yourself with on the outside, but what you arm yourself with on the inside! Arm yourself with a victory mentality in this year 2022! You will never end as a victim in life! Good morning!

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