Your Elevation Today by Godman Akinlabi



Your Elevation Today by Godman Akinlabi

“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” – Hebrews 12:14 (KJV)

There’s a powerful truth in the quote, “When other people say that you’ve hurt them, believe them.” It takes a humble heart to prioritize reconciliation over being right, even when you don’t see eye-to-eye with someone.

Practicing humility means being willing to acknowledge when you’ve hurt someone, admitting when you’re wrong, and making amends when necessary – regardless of the other person’s status or financial capacity.

Confession: I choose to prioritize reconciliation, learn the value of peace over pride, and pursue it in all my relationships.

Your Elevation Today by Godman Akinlabi

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