Your Elevation Today

Your Elevation Today by Godman Akinlabi

Your Elevation Today

Your Elevation Today by Godman Akinlabi

“Whenever Laban said, ‘The speckled goats shall be your wages,’ all the flocks produced speckled young. When he said, ‘The striped goats shall be your wages,’ all the flocks produced striped young.” – Genesis 31:8 (GNT)

The word of God is more than religion – it is life-giving power. Christianity is about knowing Jesus so you can enter eternity with God, and rule and reign on earth before that.

Be energized by the divine revelation of your inherent capacity. You are not ordinary, and you do not do ordinary things. What Jacob did to create the speckled animals was given to him completely by revelation from God. He did the exceptional by virtue of the Spirit of God that resided in him. With God’s DNA in you, you will leave people, things, and situations better than you met them.

Confession: With Christ’s DNA, I am exceptional always, birthing new inventions and innovation as God inspires me.

Godman Akinlabi

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