Morning Coffee Lecture

MORNING COFFEE LECTURE 15: A daily devotional and motivational material for you to begin your day. Beloveth; Luke 11:53 says that they began to urge Him vehemently, and to provoke Him to speak… Note: vehemently. That means there was much pressure on Him (Jesus) and their aim was to catchContinue Reading

MORNING COFFEE LECTURE 16 (A daily devotional to motivate your day) Beloveth; Worry begins as a tiny seed of thought, just as a newborn baby began as a tiny sperm that fertilises an ovum in the body of a woman! Worry begins as a seed planted in the heart ofContinue Reading

[purchase_link id=”3795″ style=”button” color=”green” text=”Get Trending Mixtape”] MORNING COFFEE LECTURE 52 (A daily devotional to motivate your day) Beloveth; As you journey in this new month of divine enlargement: Be stubborn therefore about any issue confronting your life and ministry. Never give up! Forcefulness is an attitude of determination andContinue Reading