DOWNLOAD: Samuel Sunday – After the journey on earth.
Samuel Sunday is back again with another new song titled “After the journey on earth” produced by TOSIN david.
Verse 1:
He sees, he sees all
He said it in his word
The signs of the last days
Are here so be ready
The race to heaven looks tough
The Lord will lead our steps and guide
Brethren in Christ don’t give up
Be patient and wait till he comes
Oh! After the journey on earth
Jehovah will welcome us
Halleluyah the angels will sing
Welcome home sons of God
Oh after the journey on earth
Jehovah will welcome us
Halleluyah the angels will sing
Welcome home sons of God
Verse 2:
The father is calling us
Yes! He’s calling everyone
Calling sinners to repent
And have eternal life
That’s why he sent his son
He came, he wept and died
All to give eternal life
And joy to all when he comes
Oh after the journey on earth
Jehovah will welcome us
Halleluyah the angels will sing
Welcome home sons of God
Oh after the journey on earth
Jehovah will welcome us
Halleluyah the angels will sing
Welcome home sons of God
Verse 3:
The time is near and here
The time for peace and joy
The time for tears and sorrows
The time for a new life
He will come like a theif
And he’ll take the righteous home
We’ll need God’s Grace to follow
I pray we all make it there
Oh after the journey on earth
JEHOVAH will welcome us
Halleluyah the angels will sing
Welcome home sons of God
Oh after the journey on earth
Jehovah will welcome us
Halleluyah the angels will sing
Welcome home sons of God
In heaven there will be joy
No pain, no sorrow there
Halleluyah, Halleluyah
Welcome home sons of God