DOWNLOAD: Saraphina – Iwinawe Baba (Mp3 and Lyrics).
Nigerian born award-winning gospel minister, exquisite songwriter and worship leader, Saraphina offers up a brand new song titled “Iwinawe Baba”.
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My heavenly father, please do not allow the world to laugh at me
Please Lord do not allow me to be ashamed
Come and do your work… lord of lords
It is your finished work, Jesus.
Call-it is your work, it is your work
Response-this is your finished work father
Call-it is your work it is, your work
Response-this is your finished work father
Call-Jesus!Jesus!! this is your handwork
Response-this is your finished work
Call-It is your work
Response-this is your finished work
It is your handwork
Solo 1:
Come and do your work… Lord of lords
Come and do your work… King of Kings
Come do your work… The arm that is mighty in battle
Come do your work… All glory belongs to you
Solo 2:
Come and do your work… King of Kings
Come do your work… Lord of lords
Come do your work… You are the only one I call upon
Come do your work… Lord of Lord
Repeat chorus!
Jesus, I have faith in you come and do your work
Solo 3:
Come to your work your… rock of ages that cannot be destroyed
Come and do your work… The great creator of the universe
Come do your work The arm that is mighty in battle come to your work our High priest
Solo 4:
Come do your work… Lord of lords
Come do your work… king of kings
Come do your work… the arm that is mighty in battle
Come do your work… All glory belongs to you father
We praise you… king of kings
Lord of Lords… the God who does not fail those who trust in him…
The God that contends with our contenders
The God who pursues our pursuers…
The God who stands by us and keeps us from falling we give you thanks
Solo 5:
There’s nothing you cannot do
This is your finished work father
This is your work oh… your finished work
This is your finished work father…
You deserve all Thanksgiving
This is your finished work You deserve all praises my father… this is your finished work father
You died in my place this is your finished work father Jesus you worked my place this is your finished work father
Oh your work… this is your finished work father this is your work(*4)
Iwinawe Baba (Bini)
Iwinawe aba
Lahọ wo baba, ghẹ gie agbọ giẹ mwẹ
Lahọ wo, ghẹ gie oya ru mwẹ o,
Do winna iwinawe,
Ogie ne ọ sẹ ogie,
Iwinna ruẹn o, Jesu
Iwinawe o, iwinawe o,
Iwinawe o, baba
Iwinawe, iwinawe o,
Iwinna ruẹn o, baba
Jesu, Jesu, iwinawe o,
Iwinna ruẹn o baba
Iwinawe o
Iwinna ruen o baba
Iwinawe o.
Do winna iwinawe, Ogie ne ọ sẹ ogie,
Do winna iwinawe, Ọba ne ọ sẹ ọba,
Do winna iwinawe, ekuabọ ne olọ,
Do winna iwinawe, uyi ọ wue baba
Do winna iwinawe, Ọba ne ọ sẹ ọba,
Do winna iwinawe, Ogie ne ọ sẹ ogie,
Do winna iwinawe, Uwẹ ọkpa I tu tie o,
Do winna iwinawe, Ogie ne ọ se ogie.
Do winna iwinawe, okuta etẹbitẹ nẹ wa gha,
Do winna iwinawe, ogidigan nọ nya agbọn hia,
Do winna iwinawe, ekuabọ no lọ o
Do winna iwinawe, Ọbo ne ọ se ọbo,
Do winna iwinawe, Baba ne ọ sẹ ogie,
Do winna iwinawe, Ogie ne ọ sẹ ogie mwẹ,
Do winna iwinawe, ekuabo ne olọ
Do winna iwinawe, uyi ọ wuẹ o baba.
Ma rho ruẹ, Oba ne ọ sẹ ọba, Ogie ne ọ sẹ ogie,
Ọba ne a gha mu ẹtin nya, ẹi ye ekhue mu ọmwa.
Ọba nọ gbe emwi, nọ gbe ọmwa.
Ọba nọ khue emwi, nọ khu ọmwa.
Ọba ne ọ gha mudia ne ọmwa, ai de.
Ma kpọmwọ.
Aimie emwi ne uwẹ setin ru,
Iwinna ruẹn o Baba,
Iwinna ruẹn o, iwinawe, iwinawe o baba.
Ekpọnmwẹ, ekpọnmwẹ, ekpọnmwẹ, I rhie nuẹ, i winna ruẹn o Baba
Urhomwẹ, urhomwẹ, urhomwẹ, I rhie nue, iwinawe o Baba.
Uwu, ne igha te wu, u wu ẹre mẹ,
Iwinawe o Baba,
Jesu O, eve ne i gha te viẹ, uwẹ viẹ,
Iwinawe o baba.
Iwinawe o, iwinawe o, iwinawe o Baba