Either Secret Cult or Secret Place.
“In the market place of life you are either in the secret cult or in the secret place. Forget suits and ties. Forget all the cooperate things you see and packaging everybody is using something. Just make sure you are using the right one because even if you are not using something, somebody is using something against you.
“Many of you, the reason why you believe everything is okay is because you are still playing at the peripherals of life. When you begin to get into some relms of income, you will suddenly realise that there are some people that are gatekeepers in every industry that determine who enters and who exit.
“Once you begin to hit the realms, the first thing they will do is to welcome you and invite you to come and join them and when they invite you to come and join them and you refuse to join them battle starts.
“Before they invite you to come and join them, they would have tested you but if you are in the secret place, they will be wondering what kind power you are using..
“The problem of Christians is that they are not in the secret cult, and they are not in the secret place.
By Pastor Dr. Olumide Oladapo Emmanuel