Your Elevation Today by Godman Akinlabi



Your Elevation Today by Godman Akinlabi

But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4 (NLT)

To live a life of health and vitality, it’s crucial to care for both your physical and spiritual well-being. Just as you need to nourish and exercise your body, you must also feed and strengthen your spirit through the word of God. Neglecting your spiritual health can lead to withering and stagnation, but God has a better plan for you. He desires for you to thrive and flourish in every area of your life, both physically and spiritually. So, make a commitment today to consistently fill your spirit with the life-giving word of God and watch as your whole being flourishes in health and wholeness.

Confession: I feed on God’s word daily, and I am nourished and strengthened by the word of God, both physically and spiritually.

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