Global Gospel Mixtape Feature

Global Gospel Mixtape Feature

Global Gospel Mixtape Feature

Global Gospel Mixtape Feature.

Gospel Mixtape Feature

Feature  In Gospel Mixtapes

Global Gospel Mixtape Feature.

Feature your song in a popular and viral mixtape titled “Showers Of Blessings Mixtape”.

Hello, dear gospel artists, do you want your song to feature in our upcoming Mega mixtape?.

If yes then this is an opportunity for you to make your song go viral universally.

Our last mixtape Showers Of Blessings Mixtape vol 2. DOWNLOAD: GospelSong Download – Showers Of Blessings Mixtape Vol 2
was printed in hundred (100) thousand copies, and distributed nationwide, and in Ghana.

Now vol. 3 is about to hit the airways.

This upcoming mixtape is a mega one. And will print five (500) thousand hard copies and distribute nationwide. Ghana. UK. US and Canada to Nigerian record shops overseas.

We will promote the soft copies online, on many Gospel music websites and others.

Will create a special banner that will be viewed by over 500,000 people visiting our website regularly.

We will send the download link to over 10 million emails, and seven hundred thousand direct WhatsApp bulk messages which is 100 percent delivered.

We will share free 50 thousands copies to highway public transporters, Alaba international market and Onitsha market and also Churches.

To add your music and picture on this mixtape, hurry now to call us, or WhatsApp us on this line; +2348022095943
Click Here To Give us a call

This offer is for a limited time and space.

We are. GospelSong Download||Saving The Sinking World Through Music.

Gospel Blog membership registration

Get UNLIMITED music upload + Free promotion on our website for a whole year by registering with us on GospelSong Download Artists Membership.

Click here: REGISTER NOW

*1year unlimited music upload
*1year song promotion
*1 year monthly Facebook & Instagram sponsored ads
*Free Lyrics Video
*Free 3D animation video
*Free Artwork
*Free Music Page
*Gospel mixtape inclusion
*Song submissions to radio & TV stations and record labels
*Opportunity to perform live on our annual music concert and many more

This offer is for a limited time therefore rush now to register and have your song promoted

FOLLOW US on all social media

Call now/WhatsApp: 08022095943

#GospelSongDownload #musicpromotion

Click here: REGISTER NOW


(Terms and Conditions Apply)


Promote Gospel Music

Gospel Music Promotion

Do you want to Promote your Music/video for more visibility and download?

GOSPELSONG DOWNLOAD is the place to be.

Do you want to listen to/download gospel songs of all kinds free of charge?

GOSPELSONG DOWNLOAD is the place to be.

Do you want to get the lyrics of that your favorite gospel songs?

GOSPELSONG DOWNLOAD is the place to be


(1) With our first page ranking on Google: your song visibility and downloads is sure,
Your brand awareness is guaranteed
Your music vareer will get high patronage.

(2) With over 500 thousand monthly visitors on our website, be rest assured your link or banner advertisement will be seen by a large number of people and that will in return get you that desired exposure for gigs and popularity.

(3) With our 700 thousand WhatsApp direct contact bulk messages which is 100% delivered, you will surely get a call that will turn into gigs and label signage.

(4) With our 10 million email addresses of Christians, pastors, church admins, choral groups, and music lovers, your target audience will certainly get your delivered to their phones and computers

(5) With our direct contacts emails and WhatsApp numbers of record labels and their CEOs, your music will certainly be listen to by the owners of those record labels. Which will in turn land you a record deal.

(6) With our constant online and offline Alaba mixtape which are printed in hundreds of thousands, your song will be heard by so many homes and transporters.

(7) With our close and friendly relationships with radio and Tv stations, newspaper, and other channels, you will be heard/interviewed and watched across Nigeria and the diaspora.

(8) With our hyping team on social media and team of experts on google ads, Facebook and Instagram ads, you will definitely get a lots of insights and engagements.

(9) We distribute your songs on all digital store and ensure it’s streams and buys as well as placing you on notable Spotify playlists

We have all it takes to make you BLOW and make that desired SUCCESS

Promote Gospel Music

ATTENTION : YOU CAN EARN ON GospelSong Download when you REFER ARTISTS to promote on our website. YOU GET 10% of the total promotion package of each artist.

WhatsApp/CALL US NOW on 08022095943

Follow us on all social media




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