Introducing Joke Of The Day.
Nothing Is Permanent In This Life
Whatsapp killed *BBM*
*Youtube* killed *DVD*
*Bluetooth* killed *Infrared*
*Xender* killed *Bluetooth*
*Zapya* killed *Xender*
*CDs* killed *Cassettes*
*Android* killed *Window phones*
*Uber* killed *Yellow Cab*
*Phone* killed *Post Office*
*SMS* killed *Letter Writing*
*Email* killed *Fax*
*Civilization* killed *Culture*
*Computer* killed *Typewriter*
*E-card* killed *Hallmark Card*
*Maggi* killed *Dawa Dawa*
*Money* killed *True Love*
What else killed what again?
*Parents over pampering of their children is killing home training and respect*
*Slaying is gradually killing homeliness*
*Internet* killed *Library*
*Google* killed *Dictionary*
*Wikipedia* killed *Encyclopedia*
*No condition is permanent in this world, Be humble.*
I almost forgot
*PDP* killed *ANPP & other Political Parties*
*APC alone* killed *PDP*
*Change* killed *Nigerians*
*Next level* killed *Change*
And finally POS is killing ATM machine and queue in the bank.
So my beloved whatever position you are today use it positively, tomorrow may not be yours but someone else’s, it is the measure you met on them today you will get tomorrow, so live a life with the fear of God in you.