MORNING COFFEE LECTURE 16 (A daily devotional to motivate your day)
Beloveth; Worry begins as a tiny seed of thought, just as a newborn baby began as a tiny sperm that fertilises an ovum in the body of a woman!
Worry begins as a seed planted in the heart of a man or woman by the voices around. It could be the voice of your wallet, or the voice of your body or voice of your boss. It could even be the voice of the politicians around or the newspaper or radio.
It could be the threats of an enemy or the voice of your age! What counts is not the voice but rather the seed that the voice is planting in your heart.
If you pay attention to that negative voice, the seed of worry will grow in your heart and choke every crop of faith, victory and glory that you have in your heart. Just as you cannot serve God and mammon simultaneously, it is impossible to worry and trust God at the same time.
If there is a worry baby growing in your heart today, the Holy Ghost is asking you to abort it. Yes, abort the worry baby as you journey in this life! God will not punish you for aborting this kind of baby!
[purchase_link id=”3794″ style=”button” color=”green” text=”Enjoy Music Of The Day”]It’s not a God-given baby and you don’t need it in your life! Happy Sunday!