MORNING COFFEE LECTURE 182 (A daily devotional to motivate your day).
Beloveth; Failure is what a man gets when he gives up! When you pray and pray and it seems as if you are not getting answers, it does not mean that you have experienced a prayer failure! A prayer failure only happens when you stop praying! When you give and sow and tithe and it seems, there is no financial increase and open reward, it doesn’t mean that you experiencing a harvest failure! A harvest failure only happens when you stop sowing! Jehovah’s Word can never fail: He who sows will reap; and he who asks will receive! These are things that should strengthen you when things look hopeless and renew your expectations! Never give up! The only thing you should ever quit is giving up! Keep on praying/ trusting! Keep on sowing! Keep on believing! You’re a fighter! Look at everything you’ve overcome! Don’t give up now! Keep on keeping on! I see men gathering to hear your great story in 2021! Good morning!