Morning Coffee Lecture 224 (A daily devotional to motivate your day)
Beloveth; hear this: Security/ peace is not purchased by money!
Long life is not purchased by money!
Safety is not guaranteed by wealth or social status.
In the book of Daniel 6: 15-23, the Bible says that the king could not sleep. Why? I am not sure, but this is one thing I am sure of: When a king loses his sleep on account of you, you are set for the greatest promotion of your life.
In this year 2024, kings will not sleep because of you!
You may think that they have thrown you into the lions den but nothing shall by any means hurt you this year!
- Enjoy this song: Samuel Isaiah – Oke Osisi (MP3 & Lyrics)
There is a king somewhere who is losing his sleep because of you.
God will raise men and women whose hearts will continually be worried about you until your night season is over and when the morning breaks, he/she will make an order that will favour you!
Today is your day! Shout a very big Amen!
Good morning!
Red previous devotional: Morning Coffee Lecture 223 (A daily devotional to motivate your day)