Morning Coffee Lecture 159

Morning Coffee Lecture 225 (A daily devotional to motivate your day)

Morning Coffee Lecture 159

Morning Coffee Lecture 225 (A daily devotional to motivate your day).

Beloveth; God has a way of securing His people.
When you are confident of God’s love for you and His ability to protect you, you will never be bothered by the size and antecedents of those who are threatening you!

In this new month, I have good news for you: it’s time for the Lord to plague your enemies and their entire household with great plagues because of you!

When the Lord fights for you, no man can cheat you.
When the Lord speaks for you, no man speaks against you.
You need not fear any foe.
If the God of Abraham is still alive, He will fight for you the way He fought for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He will rebuke kings and princes on your behalf; He will tell them, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophet no harm…..

As you journey in this new month, I decree, that every evil hand stretched forth in your direction, will wither and die in the name of Jesus!

Happy new month!

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