Morning Coffee Lecture 234 (A daily devotional to motivate your day).
Beloveth; Excuses are the tools with which persons with no purpose in view build for themselves great monuments of nothing.
Champions stand out in life for their willingness to take responsibilities for whatever breakthrough God has promised them.
They don’t settle for less.
Their focus is not the things that they lack.
Rather, they focus on whatever God has blessed them with and find ways to make the best use of such things.
They are the ones who are well positioned to see and seize opportunities when they come.
When you are excuse- minded, it will become almost difficult for you to receive your breakthrough and victory from God!
People who make excuses never achieve any significant thing in life.
Excuses are nails used to build a house of failure.
May excuses not swallow you this year in Jesus name!
Happy Sunday!