Morning Coffee Lecture 236 (A daily devotional to motivate your day).
Beloveth; Do you know the God that you are serving?
Do you believe in your God?
Your faith in God will lift you high above every challenge.
It is very important that you keep that faith alive and active.
The Bible says in the book of Daniel 6:20-28, that Daniel was taken up out of the den and when he was examined, no manner of hurt was found upon him, because he believed in His God.
Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstances.
Daniel was that kind of person!
He was sure that his God was on his side and that He was well able to deliver him.
Even when it seemed as if he was going to die on account of his faith, he held on.
Be rugged for God this year!
Refuse to allow challenges to break you!
As you look to God, I see you breaking records!
Good morning!