Morning Coffee Lecture Devotional image

Morning Coffee Lecture 240 (A devotional to motivate your day)

Beloveth; The Holy Ghost wants you to know that Divine performance belongs to those who will dare to take practical steps this year.

You can’t always sit in your comfort zone and expect magic to happen.
God is a God of principles!
God had given Israel the camp of the Syrians and all that they had, but nobody was willing to take the risk.

The army and warriors of Israel decided to stay indoors for fear of the Syrians.
But when the lepers resolved to move, heaven moved.

Sometimes in life, until you move, heaven will not move!
Divine performance is the reward of risk takers! When the four lepers began to move, God amplified and magnified their steps because the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.

As you journey in this year, dare to take that step; for God has taken care of your fears!
God will amplify and magnify your steps this year and every adversary of your divine performance shall be displaced.
Take that step and see the way heaven will respond.

Refuse to throw in the towel now!
This is your year!


Good morning!

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