MORNING COFFEE LECTURE 35 (A daily devotional to motivate your day)
Beloveth; The worst thing to waste is time, especially in a lifetime! Time waste differs from material waste in that there can be no salvage.
The easiest of all wastes and the hardest to correct is the waste of time, because wasted time does not litter the floor like wasted material. Check out what you are doing. Is it the right thing?
Your blessing and increase is in your place of obedience. As long as you stay away from that place of obedience, your blessing will be far away from you.
Stop wasting your time by living outside that place of obedience. To waste your time is to waste your life! Check your life today: Does it seem as if nothing significant is happening?
As you journey in this life, go into your closet for a personal retreat and re-affirm your commitment to the purpose and call of God. What is God saying? Determine that you will not do the wrong thing or stay at the wrong location anymore!
[purchase_link id=”3795″ style=”button” color=”green” text=”Morning Worship Mixtape”]As soon as you are sure you are in God’s will, then you must wait for Him to bring you to your wealthy place! The essential question is not how busy are you, but what are you busy at? A day outside the will of God is wasted day! Think! Good morning!