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MORNING COFFEE LECTURE 54 ( A daily devotional to motivate your day).
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Beloveth; Dear citizen of heaven, it is better you report yourself to the police Man of all policemen, His name is Jehovah Nissi. It is better for you to judge yourself and you would not be judged. As you journey in this new month, sincerely search every department of your life and call the police Man of all policemen to arrest you if necessary! Would you prefer to die and go to hell than to call upon the eternal police Man to arrest you, chasten you, and you go to heaven? Every covered secret sin will be exposed someday. Repent from that secret, sinful habit today! Lots of believers today are a public success, but a private failure, because they have refused to report themselves to daddy God! Reporting yourself involves humility. Report yourself now and you will end this year and indeed your life in honour, dignity and peace! Good morning!
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