Morning Coffee Lecture

Is Jesus Same Name As Yeshua

Morning Coffee Lecture
Morning Coffee Lecture Devotional 

Is Jesus Same Name As Yeshua.


Text: Mathew 1:21.


Beloved; As we are approaching the Easter celebration, it is important that we consider the name of the second in the Trinity in continuation of our study of God as the supreme and sovereign entity.

YESHUA: The Hebrew word “YESHUA” is interpreted as “Yhaweh is salvation”, or “Yhaweh saves.” The Hebrew word ” YHAWEH” is another word for “JEHOVAH” which is interpreted as “THE LORD”.

The English word “Jesus” therefore means ” The Lord saves”, or ” The Lord is salvation”.

Today we will be looking at Jesus the Savior.
1 John 4:14. The name Jesus is a prove of the sovereignty of God to save and to deliver man from sin. Jesus is God in the flesh for the purpose of mans salvation. The Name Jesus is empowered by God to bring salvation to mankind. Acts 4:10-12.
The whole world was lost in sin, Romans 3:23, Isaiah 53:6, and God manifested in his son Jesus, his only begotten son to save and redeem the sick, sinking, and sinful world back to himself. John 4:42, 2 Timothy 1:9-10, Titus 3:5-6.

We were enemies of God by sinful work, but Jesus came and made peace between us and God through his shed blood on the cross. Colossians 1:20-22.


We are encouraged to hold onto the finished work on the cross that brought our salvation and continue in fellowship with one another as we await the rapture of the saints.

1. What is the meaning of the name Jesus?
2. Jesus brought salvation to the whole world. True or False?
3. Only the name of Jesus brings salvation. True or False?

Prayer Point:
Oh Lord help me. and my family by your grace to stay in that salvation brought by the name of Jesus all the days of our life.

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