Morning Coffee Lecture

Morning Coffee Lecture 115 (A daily devotional to motivate your day)

Morning Coffee Lecture
Morning Coffee Lecture

Morning Coffee Lecture 115 (A daily devotional to motivate your day).

Beloveth; Most times, you have a glory ahead of you which does not become apparent; you will first experience a gloom before the glory is revealed.
Behind every gloom, there is a glory that was far from it.

Those who think they have succeeded in getting you are in for a big surprise.
What you are going through now is pushing you towards and nearer to your destiny, No matter how negative or gloomy it looks.

Joseph who was sold by his brothers, was pushed into Egypt where he would fulfill his destiny.
The advances of Potiphar’s wife pushed him closer to destiny, the prison pushed him further towards his destiny.

God has a way of using everything that happens to and around you as a stepping stone or springboard for propelling you towards where He destined for your life!
At the end of Joseph’s seemingly wilderness experience, he became Prime Minister.

Like Biblical Joseph, there is a glory ahead of you!
The storms and haters you encounter are pushing you towards your celebration season!

Good morning!

Morning Coffee Lecture 114 (A daily devotional to motivate your day)

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