Morning Coffee Lecture

Morning Coffee Lecture 223 (A daily devotional to motivate your day)

Morning Coffee Lecture

Morning Coffee Lecture 223 (A daily devotional to motivate your day)

Beloveth; As you journey through this year, refuse the perfection bullet!
It’s a dangerous bullet that leads to self-hate and depression.

Perfection is about embracing your imperfections and understanding that they make you who you are.
Do you know that your imperfections draw you closer to God?

They humble you and show you that you need more of God, grace and mercy!
Oh, I wish Lucifer knew this!

He thought he was perfect and had arrived.
But today, he is an object of pity and defeat.
Avoid his mistake!

In the long run, striving for perfection won’t matter as much as embracing your unique self and living a fulfilling life of love for man and crazy love for God!

Remember: You are work-in-progress and God has not finished with you yet!
Hold on daily even as you run your Heavenly race! Don’t allow Satan to get you depressed or condemned.

Your best days is yet to come!
The race is not over!
Move on!
Hold on and run well!
Heaven at last!

Good morning!

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