QUOTE OF THE WEEK A failed accomplishment does not indicate or prove failure but accepting and admitting the word “failed” does. That’s to say there is always hope for every failed project to be accomplished successfully because there is more than one way to achieve a certain goal. A  anotherContinue Reading

Accomplishment brings fulfilment and completeness. That’s to say that whenever one achieves his or her goal, there is always a relief and sense of belongings as well as satisfaction. This can make one feel complete in that particular area of live without fear of anxiety. Quote by Samuel Isaiah @Samuelcisaiah1Continue Reading

The trending Nigerian gospel artiste Samuel Isaiah releases his first album titled “Christ Ambassadors” made up of 14tracks. This is the hit track titled ” “Kuwaranu Jehova Aka” meaning clap for Jehovah. This song is a story telling song that talks about the crossing of the Red sea by theContinue Reading

The best measure for success is not on how much one earns but on how fulfilled one is on what he or she earns That’s to say that one can earn so big and yet dies unfulfilled. A man who earns millions without appreciating it is not satisfied and canContinue Reading

https://gospelsong.com.ng/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Dunsin-Oyekan-AT-ALL-COST.mp3 Nigerian renowned worship leader, Dunsin Oyekan releases new single “At All Cost”. From his own words: “GOD is releasing a fiery passion in the hearts of Men all across the earth in this season. It’s time for intimacy and fellowship with the FATHER… An UPPER ROOM experience that willContinue Reading

Beloveth; Whether the world has frowned or smiled at you this year, the Holy Ghost wants you to know that God has created both prosperity and adversity, so that man can find out nothing that will come after him. There’s a saying that, If anything can go wrong, it willContinue Reading

Beloveth; No matter how this year has been and no matter your status in life, just remember that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Life is a race. You don’t declare yourself a winner till you cross the tape. It’s not all that start, but all that finish thatContinue Reading