Difference Between Righteousness and Salvation

Difference Between Righteousness and Salvation

Difference Between Righteousness and Salvation
Difference Between Righteousness and Salvation

Difference Between Righteousness and Salvation.

(Morning Coffee Lecture)

The difference between righteousness and salvation is that righteousness refers to a state of being morally upright or just, while salvation refers to deliverance from sin and its consequences.

Righteousness is a moral quality or attribute, while salvation is a spiritual state. So when a person is righteous he or she is considered morally upright, but that may not necessarily make him to be saved or delivered from sin. On the other hand, one who is saved may not necessarily also be considered morally righteous.

Righteousness is often seen as an external attribute, while salvation is an internal experience. That is to say, you can be considered righteous based on your actions, character and behavior, but salvation is something that happens within you inside, regardless of what you do.

In terms of Christianity, righteousness is seen as a prerequisite for salvation, but it’s not enough on its own. That is why the bible said that our righteousness is like a filthy garment before God. This is known as self righteousness. Only through faith in Jesus Christ can someone be saved.

Also read: Morning Coffee Lecture 181 (A daily devotional to motivate your day)

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