MORNING COFFEE LECTURE 16 (A daily devotional to motivate your day) Beloveth; Worry begins as a tiny seed of thought, just as a newborn baby began as a tiny sperm that fertilises an ovum in the body of a woman! Worry begins as a seed planted in the heart ofContinue Reading

Beloveth; The Holy Ghost wants you to know that as you journey in this year 2020, you must endure others if you want others to endure you! You will reap what you sow! At the zenith of your success, don’t forget where you are coming from. When you forget whereContinue Reading

[purchase_link id=”3795″ style=”button” color=”green” text=”Buy Trending Gospel Mixtape Here”]MORNING COFFEE LECTURE 17 (A daily devotional to motivate your day) Beloveth; If however you refuse to give thought to something, it will die a natural death. That is what you should do to suggestions and thoughts of worry and fear thatContinue Reading